Thank you District 27 Republicans!
I am honored to have the Republican nomination for House Representative for District 27. I will be working just as hard campaigning...
Help me as we fight for conservative values: Donate Here
Thank you District 27 Republicans!
They are calling me crazy but…
I'm am honored...
Independence Day celebration
Tennessee Right to Life PAC Endorses Michele Reneau for State House
Bring the family to this Meet and Greet
Meet and Greet in District 27
Get to know Michele on The Tennessee Informer podcast
Red Bank, I want to meet you!
Meet Michele video
75th Annual Armed Forces parade
HCGOP Campaign Breakfast Kickoff
Dogwood Luncheon
Signing Party Success!
Stay connected with the campaign
Michele Reneau Declares Candidacy For Tennessee State Representative, District 27
Chip in $25 Today!